Open top view of Chilli & Ginger Grinder

Chilli & Ginger Pepper

Black pepper with its best flavour allies - chilli and ginger. Enchants tomato dishes like salsas with fresh, and sundried tomatoes, also pasta sauces and slow-cooked tomato, lamb and onion braises. Brings out the best in beef, game-fish and vegetable stir-fries.

Ratatouille with Chilli & Ginger Pepper

Open top view of Ginger & Chilli Pepper Grinder

Ginger & Chilli Pepper

Ginger puts an energetic buzz under chilli and black pepper. It is the ‘secret ingredient’ that make tomatoes shine - think fresh, roast, sundried, semi-sec and made into a pesto... Or enchant Mexican, Spanish, North African and Indian dishes.

Sweet Potato with red onion petals and Ginger & Chilli Pepper

Contains: Black pepper, ginger, chilli, pink peppercorns.

Open top view of Lemon Pepper Grinder

Lemon Pepper
(Swahili Lemon Pepper)

This is the ‘friendship’ blend. The story goes that one should only serve it to guests you would like to see again soon (and often). Some claim it may even win over hostile in-laws...

Lemon Pepper loves butter and green veg - even ditsy little green beans!

Salmon with lemon linguini and Lemon Pepper

Open top view of Orange Pepper Grinder

Orange Pepper

Orange is the 'sunshine' buddy of black pepper and together they're flavour-friends with chicken, duck, salad with tomato, butternut, feta and mustard-dressing, also Middle Eastern dishes with chick peas and sesame/ mint/ pomegranate flavours.

Vamped Carrots with Orange Pepper

Contains: Black Pepper, Orange Rind, White Pepper, Salt, Sugar, Garlic, Onion, Ginger, Cinnamon and Orange Oil

Open top view of Garlic Pepper Grinder

Garlic Pepper

Enjoy on flame grilled crab and crustaceans with caper butter and a squeeze of lemon.

It does great things for pan-fried potatoes, pasta, peas, green beans, zucchini, aubergine and tomatoes - it loves tomatoes!

A forever favourite with all kinds of cooks.

Grilled Squid with Garlic Pepper

Contains: Black pepper, sea salt, garlic, parsley.

Top view of Rainbow Pepper Grinder

Rainbow Pepper
(Victoria Falls)

A rainbow of fragrant, pepper- pleasure! The combination is so, so much more than the sum of its parts.

Black pepper brings fragrant base notes, white pepper, the light, dusty notes, green pepper, the mossy earthiness and red pepper berries bring lively "buzzy-ness". Together they are pure pepper delight.

Griddled octopus with Rainbow Pepper

Open top view of Tomato Pepper Grinder

Tomato Pepper

Tomato Pepper with these flavour-friends make savoury foods taste saltier without adding extra salt - a good thing indeed!

It energises fresh tomato salads - think lusciously ripe tomatoes with Italian cheeses, basil and pine nuts with olive oil. Boosts tomato sauces, pastas, pulses and ragu - and it absolutely loves grilled cheese and omelettes. Excellent on beef - grilled, fried, slow-cooked and pot roast.

Aubergine stack with feta and Tomato Pepper

Open top view of White & Green Pepper Grinder

White & Green Pepper
(Cape Garden Herbs)

White and Green peppercorns with a few gree herbs, are gently peppery and much more inclined to let the flavours of the food shine. Prepare for a complete delight of green and peppery aromatics.

The super-power of White & Green Peppercorns with Green Herbs, is that it does wonderful things for potatoes - fried, mashed, baked or boiled...

Pepperonata on Pollenta with White & Green Pepper

Open top view of Salt & Pepper Grinder

Day & Night
(Maasai Salt & Pepper)

As pepper ages, some of the flavour-oils evaporate. It is these oils that the salt absorbs.

Ideal table condiment - salt and pepper the way we like it - mostly salt with pepper (not too peppery) - irresistable!

"Day & Night " = 70% Salt & 30% Pepper.

Open Chicken Salad Sandwich with Maasai Salt & Pepper
Open top view of Black Pepper & Salt grinder

Night & Day
(Pepper & Salt) 

Salt that lives with pepper is very fortunate! As pepper ages, some of the flavour-oils evaporate. It is these oils that the salt absorbs.

Great table condiment. This mix is pepper dominant with a bit of salt - perfect for black pepper fans.

"Day & Night " = 70% Salt & 30% Pepper.
"Night & Day" = 55% Pepper & 45% Salt.

Eggs frying in a skillet with Pepper & Salt
Open top view of black pepper grinder

Black Pepper
(Cote D'Ivoire) 

Pepper is precious.

A famous chef once said that black pepper - particularly freshly ground black pepper - is perfume for food.

Layer the black pepper flavour in - add some during cooking and a bit just before serving. ‘Pop’ the flavour with a bit of acid (lime or vinegar), and salt.

Excellent on beef, game fish, veg, tomatoes, avocados and strawberries with thick cream and lime & pepper sorbet.

Cracked boiled egg with black pepper


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25 Sandpiper Crescent, Flamingo Vlei, Tableview, Cape Town, South Africa
T:+27 (0)834759844
Pieter Swart  pieter@turqle.com